Stella & Danilo
18 giugno 2012
Sono passati 4633 giorni dal nostro matrimonio


  • Messaggio di: Stellaedanilo
    12/01/2012 alle 07:54
    mancano 158 giorni alla realizzazione di un sogno ...TI AMO DANILO <3
  • Messaggio di: Beppebon
    14/01/2012 alle 17:29
    BEPPE BON Group:( you tube digitando Beppe Bon) Gentilissimi Stella & Danilo siamo lieti di invitarVi insieme ad altre coppie prossime alle NOZZE ad una nostra serata musicale che si terrà SABATO 28 GENNAIO 2012 presso la MASSERIA TORRE CATENA, strada prov. Polignano/Castellana, contrada Torre Catena 872, a partire dalle ore 21,00. Ingresso libero e possibilità di mangiare anche solo pizza. Nel caso decidiate di venire gradiremmo una Vostra prenotazione per poterVi riservare il tavolo. Info: 3288220993 oppure CORDIALI SALUTI
  • Messaggio di: Batobymnneota
    26/02/2013 alle 03:38
    Once you reestablish credit and still have a favorable credit record, it is possible to turn to conventional lenders for that loan with lower interest rates. [url=]car title loans[/url] Your car must be worth something, at least a number of thousand dollars as well as in excellent or you happen to be out of luck. Simpler and quicker solutions to their financial problems are what people are seeking.
    In repaying the credit, lending firms allow the consumer to pick out the definition of of payment. If this occurs you should know you will still be responsible for the difference between exactly what the auctioned car was sold for along with the amount originally paid. Most title lenders will still only make the money in case you usually do not owe whatever else on the automobile for folks seeking short-term loans.
    After listing down the lenders or companies, you need to know a little more about the organization, firm, or lender. If you'll be able to't pay the money off completely this month, pay just a person's eye due and you may be "rolled over" to next month. Many borrowers tend not to realize that this interest charged for payday loan, when calculated out over a full year, can lead to interest charges that total repeatedly the first amount borrowed. Car title loan companies have been in the money lending business. [url=]car title loans los angeles dqbttmgd[/url]

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